On-demand webinar 

Managing cancer in the workplace

Assessing today's cancer treatment landscape, and providing guidance on how workplace cancer programmes are key to prevention, treatment, and support.

Broadcast date: Thursday 30th November 2023

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Covered in this session

Join Buck, a Gallagher Company, Check4Cancer, and Vitality for a webinar showcasing the findings of Buck's recent white paper, 'Cancer and the workplace.'  We look at the key issues impacting cancer treatment today, and provide insights into the support employers can offer to improve outcomes and wellbeing for employees who have received a cancer diagnosis. 


  • The current health landscape
    Sarah Brannan, Buck 
  • Cancer screening, treatment, and outcomes
    Professor Gordon Wishart, Check4Cancer
  • How workplace programmes can support employees and reduce cancer risk
    Dr Katie Tryon, Vitality 


Sarah Brannan | Senior Consultant at Buck
Sarah has extensive technical knowledge of private medical insurance, cash plans, dental insurance, and other health and productivity-focused benefits. She has been with Buck for over 18 years. In this time she has advised corporate clients of varying sizes, delivering clear, comprehensive and practical advice to ensure that they get best value from their employee benefits spend.

Professor Gordon Wishart | Chief Executive Officer and Chief Medical Officer at Check4Cancer 
Professor Gordon Wishart is the founder, CEO & CMO of Check4Cancer, a leading U.K. provider of early cancer screening, diagnostics, and genetics to insured, corporate, and self-pay markets. Gordon is an experienced Chief Medical Officer with a clinical and research background in oncology, cancer genetics, epidemiology, and healthcare. In addition to his work with Check4Cancer, Gordon is Visiting Professor of Cancer Surgery at Anglia Ruskin University. His work has featured in over 200 scientific publications.

Dr Katie Tryon | Director of Health Strategy for Vitality
Katie leads Vitality’s work in behaviour change and health improvement. Having trained as a medical doctor at Oxford University and Imperial College London, Katie was an engagement manager at McKinsey & Company before joining PruHealth (which later became Vitality) as their Head of Technical Marketing and Clinical Vitality. During seven years in Kenya, Katie served as Head of Health Strategy for IBM Africa, and then Head of Strategy and Projects for CarePay, an African-focused health tech financing platform. Katie is passionate about the development of sustainable healthcare systems around the world, and continues to pursue this through the Vitality model.  

View the webinar recording