
Financial wellbeing: Making it personal makes it matter

How to increase the impact of your benefits and support your corporate goals through personalising your financial wellbeing strategy 

Date: Thursday 21st September 2023
Time: 2.00pm - 3.00pm

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It's no secret that more and more people are now under added financial pressure, as costs of living soar and when many are still affected by the financial ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this, more companies are placing a bigger emphasis on financial wellbeing - but challenges around engagement and effectiveness remain.

To achieve maximum impact from a financial wellbeing strategy, it is important to understand individual needs and provide messaging and resources that employees can connect with on a personal level. 

This webinar will provide guidance on boosting engagement with financial wellbeing initiatives to yield maximum results. We will also be referring to the results from Buck's recent joint survey with REBA, on the use of tech in rewards and benefits, providing insights into how technology can optimise wellbeing strategies.

The session will focus on understanding objectives and behaviours, and how these can guide employers in providing support with the necessary skills and tools that truly improve financial wellbeing. As well as assisting employees at a time when financial education and benefits matter more than ever, this webinar will demonstrate how an effective financial wellbeing strategy supports corporate goals and values.

Presented by

Andreas Hunter | Principal and Benefits Consultant Lead at Buck

With over 22 years' experience in corporate employee benefits, Andreas has a passion for education and engagement. Linking financial wellbeing to broader corporate goals, Andreas focuses on objective-centric consulting to help employers support their employees and achieve the best outcomes.

